Thursday, February 4, 2010


ell today was interesting. Yesterday we went on a bus to a place that did Traditional
russia folk songs. Most of them were atleast 400 years old. This place is so much older
than anything in America. The first day here, Alexander said "this is a newer monastary, it was
built in 1820" Laura laughed next to me. It's just crazy, new in america is 40 years at most.
Anyways I captured a few of those on my camera, and they sound good enough. On the trip back
we crammed into a bus like sardines. I ended up bear hugging one of the shyer girls, and I hope
she didn't mind it. All the girls kept giggling and the Russian just kept glaring at us.
Today was interesting, we went to a "pedestrain street", wish is basically 4-5 blocks of a brick
road that basically only poeple walked on, no cars, and just one solid bock of storefronts
if the storefronts stopped there were market stands. I'll end up buying a few things from
this city specifically, but I think I'll do that later. I played some card game of manliness
with the Russian dudes. Each suit was a different kind of pushup and you had to do as many pushups corresponding with the hight of the card. I was first out. WE arm wrestled after that, and my roommate kept screaming german when he arm wrestled, it was hilarious. It was katya's birthday today.That was interesting. We had a good time, sweats everywhere. I feel like I'm on a constant sugar high in this country, and the girls wonder why I make fun of them buying chocolate.

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